Anxiety & Panic Saturday Workshop
Anxiety & Panic can be triggered by major life stressors or by subtle experiences. It can be unpleasant, scary, and impairing to live with. Often, before we cognitively understand our anxiety, our body feels it with shakiness, shortness of breath, distractibility, motor agitation, sleep disturbance, and appetite disturbance.
Do you…have difficulty controlling your worry? feel restless or on-edge? feel easily fatigued? have trouble concentrating? feel irritable? have muscle tension? feel suddenly sweaty for no apparent reason? have trouble sleeping, staying asleep, or getting restful sleep?
This workshop, presented by Agape Christian Counseling Services, will address the multifactorial causes of panic and anxiety and teach approaches for coping. Join us on January 23rd, 2016 at Grace Church St Louis from 8:30am – 12:30pm.
[supertagline]Click here for sign-up info! Or Contact Barb at Grace Church St Louis: 314-292-8312 or barbe@gracestl.org [/supertagline]