Agape Christian Counseling Services Logo

What’s In a Name: Who and What We Are

Agape is the first word in our name and refers to the selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love God has for His children. It’s part of our name because our goal is to reflect that kind of love as much as we humanly can to each and every one of our clients. We seek God’s wisdom, grace, and truth, without being condemning, judgmental, or combative.

I’m Darrell Provinse, Executive Director of Agape Christian Counseling Services. It seemed fitting in launching the first issue of our newsletter that I take a minute and reflect on our origin, vision, and direction. I have often said that Agape Christian Counseling Services is the result of God clearly and inexorably closing some doors and opening others. I am convinced that it has been God’s leading and directing that has guided this agency and that He continues to direct us as we move forward. From the first, our ministry has not been without its setbacks, detractors, and even adversaries, but we have striven to remain true to our calling, and I believe that God has honored and blessed our efforts.

Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC Marriage Counselor St Louis
Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC
Executive Director, President

All of the therapists at Agape are committed Christ-followers. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are perfect. It does mean that they desire to maintain a relationship with the One who is. We recognize that we, ourselves, still struggle with the fallen state of our humanity and live in a fallen world. Our desire is always to walk alongside those who are broken and to offer them comfort, encouragement, and healing rather than criticism or condemnation. We firmly believe that this is our scriptural calling.

We believe in speaking the truth in love and that our conversation should be bathed in grace and sprinkled with salt. That does not mean that we are confused about the truth, just that the truth is necessarily viewed through the light and attribute of God’s grace. We don’t overtly preach to our clients, but it is our desire to meet them where they are and work with them in those areas they identify as needing correction or healing. Even when an individual does not desire to focus on the spiritual element, we know that this part of each person is still in operation and represents a significant part of who he or she is.

Our faith shapes our world view, but we are not threatened by those who have a different world view. We neither have to argue or defend because, as I often say, “Truth exists. Whether we believe it or not, whether we perceive it or not, whether we like it or not, the truth remains.

God’s spirit is present in our counseling, and it allows us to seek His wisdom, His grace, His unconditional love, and His truth, without being condemning, judgmental , or combative.

It is my desire that all our therapists be prepared to give a reason for the hope that lies within them. We therefore encourage development, both spiritually and professionally, and require that each therapist continue to learn and to grow.

All of our counselors are professionally trained and are either fully or provisionally licensed. Many have years (and in some cases decades) of experience. Every counselor is required to have proficiency in several theories, modalities, and interventions so that we, as an agency, are better equipped to serve our community. We have therapists who specialize in a variety of presenting issues and work with a variety of populations. We work with individuals, couples, children, adolescents, and families. We work with people with eating disorders, those who cut, those with addictions, depression, explosive anger, and even severe mental illness. Our website contains a more extensive list of issues that we address in addition to other information about our agency and our therapists.

It has been a blessing to serve over 8,000 clients in the last seven years. In addition, we have been privileged to donate over $6 million in discounted and pro bono services, and we have worked harder than most would ever imagine to be approved to accept all forms of insurance. We do this so that no one need be turned away for an inability to pay — or for any other reason. The result has been sustained growth, and 2014 has seen our expansion to our eighth and ninth locations. We now have a presence in two states. Our growth is not generated by a desire to be bigger but rather a desire to be more accessible and to better serve our clients by having smaller, more comfortable and personal settings in locations that are closer to all neighborhoods and thoroughfares.

Now you know who we are, what we believe, and our goals as an agency. We’re Agape Christian Counseling Services, serving God and others.

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