Navigating Sexual Hurdles: Medication and Sexual Health
We have discussed, in previous posts, the benefit of visiting with a sex therapist. Sex therapy is a specialized form of therapy that addresses sexual concerns, functioning, relationship, and expression in men and women. A certified sex therapist has had considerable training in the physiological process of human sexuality, as well as, extensive training in psychotropic medications and their effect on sexual functioning. As a rule, we work collaboratively with other health care providers, such as dieticians, pelvic pain specialists, and physicians, enabling us to provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to sexual, emotional, and spiritual healing. Part of taking a holistic approach to sexual health, is understanding the relationship between…
Mommy Holiday Stress
Kathy, I feel guilty and confused. We have always alternated holidays, but it’s getting to the point that I’m starting to dread the packing of the presents, side dishes, and the kids’ toys and diapers. I hate the mall. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to start our own family traditions, but I just know my mother-in-law would be furious to not have Christmas at her house. We have school programs, church events, and Secret Santa at work. My husband and I try very hard to teach our kids the true meaning of Christmas. It’s important for me to have the house look nice because I want the…