• anger multifactorial approach - lioness with words

    Anger: A Multifactorial Approach

    by Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC, Director and CEO Anger. What is it? Anger is a God-given emotion that gives us energy to protect someone else or ourselves, or to take action against an injustice. Anger itself is not wrong.  What we do with anger or in anger can be…

  • Attachment Issues Counseling - Agape Christian Counseling Services St Louis MO

    Attachment Issues Counseling

    Often times, following adoption or other transition in custody, a child shows difficulty in forming an appropriate and trusting relationship with his primary caretaker(s). For the adult, it can be confusing to know how to show love to the child when she seems to avoid or resist healthy relationships. Adults…

  • how-to-cool-it-when-you-are-burning-up-mad by byron loy, Agape Christian Counseling Services St Louis MO

    How to Cool It When You Are Burning Up Mad

    By Byron Loy, MA, LPC, LCPC, CRADC Anger isn’t a wrong emotion or even a bad emotion. There are even some things which should probably make us angrier than they do. However, even in those instances, there are appropriate ways to handle our anger. Jesus told us, in Mathew 5:21,…