15 MORE Books Recommended by Agape Counselors
As promised last month, here is another list of books that our counselors recommend. There are many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly. Below are 15 of the books that are on the list. Click on the pictures to view these books on Amazon.com Book Store. How We Love by Milan & Kay Yerkovich This book, based on attachment theory, helps people understand how childhood experiences have shaped the way they approach adult relationships. It has a lot of examples to clarify points as well as a workbook to help people change what they want to change in themselves and their relationships. Recommend for couples. Personality Plus…
15 Books Recommended by Agape Counselors
In lieu of our typical Featured Article this month, we polled our counselors and comprised a list of books that our counselors recommend. Of course there are many many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly and we could never cover them all in one post, so there will be more to follow next month. Below are the first 15 books on the list. To find them on Amazon, click on the pictures. Where Is God When It Hurts? by Phillip Yancey This is a wonderful book that helps people who are wrestling with how to handle a relationship with a sovereign and loving God in…
Teaching Your Kids Selflessness at Christmastime
by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services That first Christmas night God knelt down and placed his newborn son in a small barn with no heat, no electric lights, and no red carpet welcome, just mice, straw, the chill of the night and the stench of animals. That is how much He loved us. That is the message of Christmas. Fast forward over two thousand years. We stand as Ghosts of Christmas Future in the living room of an American home. Halloween is barely over. The glossy ads from Best Buy are strewn over the coffee table with a Dell computer, iPhone, and the newest Apple iPad…
Parenting Through Relationship
by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals that He is relational. Because of his love for his people, he does whatever it takes to protect relationship with them, to the point of sending His only son to the cross. He understands their weaknesses and temptations. He seeks them out when they turn away from him. This relational aspect of the Gospel is a primary difference between Christianity and other religions. Christ responded to those he taught by caring, touching, healing, engaging. He not only had a significant effect on those he came into contact with. He was affected by them as…