15 MORE Books Recommended by Agape Counselors
As promised last month, here is another list of books that our counselors recommend. There are many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly. Below are 15 of the books that are on the list. Click on the pictures to view these books on Amazon.com Book Store. How We Love by Milan & Kay Yerkovich This book, based on attachment theory, helps people understand how childhood experiences have shaped the way they approach adult relationships. It has a lot of examples to clarify points as well as a workbook to help people change what they want to change in themselves and their relationships. Recommend for couples. Personality Plus…
Neurochemistry of Committed Relationships
Researchers have noted that there are three stages to the development of love, each with their own set of neurochemical responses. Different “happy chemicals” are released during different stages. Since God made our brains and designed them to meet the needs we have in life, our brains have been specially wired for these stages of falling in love and staying in love. For the purpose of this article, we’ll touch on the first two stages, and concentrate in particular on the amazing chemicals in the emotional attachment stage of a relationship. Stage 1: “Romantic Feelings During this stage, your partner can seem “perfect” for you because all the crazy endorphins we…
Does Your Marriage Need A Tune-Up?
By Sue Ginocchio, MA, PLPC Have you ever bought a new car? Did you love the new car smell? Did you follow the owner’s manual for oil changes and regular maintenance? Did you use premium gas? When the car got older, did you take care of it the same way as you did when you first got it? Or did you neglect it, or not take care of it in the same way you had in the beginning? Maybe you should treat your marriage like you would a new car. Unfortunately, many people don’t treat their most important relationship with the same passion and energy over time. Just as your car will…
Helicopter Mode: Who’s It For… Really?
When we love and are committed to our family members, we want to ensure their success and happiness. It’s natural at times, however, that we may feel responsible, or be made to feel responsible, for the failures or unhappiness of those we love. This can include both our children and our spouse. Feelings of responsibility for another person’s emotions and behaviors can drive us into guilt, which may challenge our own personal boundaries. Before you know it, we might be climbing into the rescue helicopter and dialing the automatic pilot to the “No Boundaries Mode” so that we are always emotionally available to the other person. Now don’t get me wrong. Being emotionally available is a…