Anger: A Multifactorial Approach
by Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC, Director and CEO Anger. What is it? Anger is a God-given emotion that gives us energy to protect someone else or ourselves, or to take action against an injustice. Anger itself is not wrong. What we do with anger or in anger can be…
Attachment Issues Counseling
Often times, following adoption or other transition in custody, a child shows difficulty in forming an appropriate and trusting relationship with his primary caretaker(s). For the adult, it can be confusing to know how to show love to the child when she seems to avoid or resist healthy relationships. Adults…
Holidays with an Eating Disorder
The holiday season is here! Almost all holiday parties and gatherings revolve around food and drink. Although this can be fun for many, it can be frightening for those with disordered eating. Creating a sense of safety around food and meal planning is essential experiencing a joyful season with family…
Who Am I, Really?
By Ryan Sosman, MA, LPC You may have found yourself asking the question, “What is my purpose on Earth?” Although this is a very common question that everyone has asked themselves at some point in their life, it’s one that cannot be answered before we first learn who we are.…