• Anna Rodriguez Agape Christian Counseling St Louis MO

    Anna Rodriguez, MA, PLPC, AATA

    Supervised by Darrell Provinse, License # 2004003789 Independent Contractor Anna Rodriguez earned her degrees from Gordon College (Wenham, MA) and Lesley University (Cambridge, MA). She is an Art Therapist currently pursuing her credentials for being a registered Art Therapist. She is a member of the American Art Therapy Association and the Missouri…

  • August 2015 Newsletter Square

    Bridge to Wholeness | Volume 2 Issue 8 August 2015

    Welcome to the August 2015 Issue of the Agape newsletter, Bridge to Wholeness! Our monthly newsletter is the best way for you to keep up with what is going on around Agape, with events and updates, and articles written by our counselors. We hope it will help bring you a…

  • Accentuate the Positive

    Accentuate the Positive

    In the year 1944, during a dark time for families and the country, singer and songwriter Johnny Mercer wrote what would be one of the war’s most iconic songs of hope and inspiration: “Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative.” Why did this song become such an anthem of encouragement? Because…

  • What is Child Therapy Agape Counseling St Louis

    What Is Child Therapy and How Does It Work?

    By Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Our children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). They bring abundant joy, although, raising them is not without its challenges. Parents have a responsibility, not only to meet the physical needs of their children, but to also provide…