Bridge to Wholeness | Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2015
Welcome to the June 2015 Issue of the Agape newsletter, Bridge to Wholeness! Our monthly newsletter is the best way for you to keep up with what is going on around Agape, with events and updates, and articles written by our counselors. We hope it will help bring you a little bit closer to emotional, mental, and spiritual wholeness! In this issue (click to read individual articles): When A Loved One’s Desperation Turns to Thoughts of Suicide by Kristy Cobillas, MEd, PLPC Conflict Avoidance: Always Speak the Truth Even If Your Voice Shakes by Kathyrn Manley, MS, LPC, CST Technology & Your Kids: How to Set Appropriate Boundaries by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW…
Technology & Your Kids: How to Set Appropriate Boundaries
by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Technology is a reality which is not going to go away. It’s imperative to teach children to make good decisions about technology, limit the frequency of its usage, and keep access to appropriate and safe content. If parents see technology as the enemy, they will set themselves up for years of frustration and struggle with their children. Rather than viewing it as the devil incarnate, parents need to team up with their children and allow them to enjoy the benefits of technology without allowing it to take over their child’s life. Often the fear of technology comes from a parent’s…
Conflict Avoidance : Always Speak The Truth, Even If Your Voice Shakes
Have you ever avoided conflict in a relationship? Struggled with using your voice? Chances are, there have been times when either you have been reluctant to deal with conflict or you have been in a relationship with someone who has. Conflict avoidance is common in relationships and families. We may avoid conflict with our spouse and even our children. We might avoid conflict out of fear of a loved one’s reaction, be it one of anger, hurt, disappointment, judgment, rejection or criticism, just to name a few possibilities. We might lack knowledge about how to tolerate the emotional distress that the conflict may bring to us. If we don’t know…
Boundaries in Relationships: 1-Day Workshop at Grace Church St. Louis October 8th
Register by October 6th for reduced cost! In your relationships, have you ever felt… like you’re carrying more than your share? like you’re not being heard? it is your job to care for your someone else’s needs? attacked or criticized if you voice needs of your own? everything is about them? yourself taking responsibility for someone else’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors at your own expense? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of theses questions you may need to look at the boundaries you are setting for yourself and others in your relationships… This workshop will help you learn how to set healthy relational boundaries by… Identifying the healthy boundaries and unhealthy…