• Adolescent Girls Transition to Adulthood

    Adolescent Girls: The Transition from Childhood to Adulthood

    By Megan Jung, MA, LPC *note: this article has been edited for readability, for the original, scholarly article, click here: Jung Aug 2015 Original Article – Adolescent Girls “Olivia, get the lead out of your pants and get a purpose,” Granny often barked at her sixteen year-old granddaughter. My friend and I laughed about her grandmother’s nerve and willingness to say what many others would not. Adolescent girls are dramatic and numb, tragic and over-simplifiers, chaotic and clawing for control, and fluctuate between unmediated sorrow and joy within minutes. Many of us can empathize with Granny, and often want to scream, “Grow up! It’s not that big of a deal, and…

  • Body in Focus

    by Kelly Maxwell, MA, LPC In a culture that defines a person by their body and equates being thin with the rights to respect, love, getting noticed and acknowledged, wearing nice clothes, and being appreciated, the temptation to pursue thinness at any cost can be powerful…particularly during summertime when bulky coats and sweaters are exchanged for more revealing shirts and thinner fabrics.  Many women, and some men, look to unhealthy restrictive dieting in their quests to lose weight.  Dieting is the most common precursor to the development of disordered eating patterns.  Below are the two prevalent eating behavior cycles of eating disorders: Dieting Cycles: Toward Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, or…