The Power of the Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Stereotyping
by Mary Singleton, MEd, PLPC I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been thinking about recent racial conflicts involving police officers and citizens. We have all seen how an event, such as a police officer shooting someone, can inspire dramatically different reactions in people — reactions which often correlate to race and which elicit very different feelings and behaviors as a result of these thoughts. Cultural messages and life experiences contribute greatly to the automatic thoughts an individual has in response to a significant event, and psychological responses are involved, as well. Many people have been conditioned, starting at an early age, to automatically respond to circumstances in…
The Best Valentine’s Day Gift: Another Chance
By Cathy Downen, MA, MA, PLPC Love is a many splendored thing when you’re first dating Mr. or Miss Right, and Valentine’s Day seems to have been invented just for the two of you to celebrate your very special love. But after a few years of marriage (a few hours in some cases), when Miss Right has turned into “Mrs. Always Right” and Mr. Right has deteriorated into “Mr. Can’t Get it Right” (or vice versa), Valentine’s Day may seem like a trumped-up tradition of forced, and often expensive, displays of affection custom-made for commercialism, hyped-up expectations, and often disappointment. The gift industry would have us believe that flowers, candy…
‘Parenting the Love and Logic Way’ Comes to Agape
By Kathy Bleitner, MEd, LPC Agape Christian Counseling has recently started offering Parenting the Love and Logic Way Classes! What is Love and Logic? Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children, which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in their interactions with children. Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Love and Logic is a way of working with children that puts parents back in control, teaches children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world with its many choices and consequences. Love and Logic tells…
How to Forgive the Unforgivable
By Cathy Downen, MA, MA, PLPC At Agape Christian Counseling Services, we assist many people who are struggling to find freedom in the aftermath of feeling deep hurts. We help clients cope with the results of living in a fallen world and journey with them on the road to recovery from all varieties of abuse, addictions, infidelity, poverty, racism, grief, illness, unemployment, and many other kinds of problems. Many times, the inevitable questions arise: How can I ever forgive? Does God expect me to forgive even that? Is it really necessary to forgive? What forgiveness is: Every Christian understands the Biblical concept that there is healing in forgiveness, and we’re…