• Lessons Taught By Trauma - wide title pic

    Lessons Taught by Trauma

    By Kristy Cobillas, MEd, LPC “What good does it do to talk about it, if it’s not going to change anything?” When it comes to trauma, there are those who will attempt to mentally and emotionally bury the experience. It is true that simply talking about the past does not…

  • 12 tips for parenting teenager - wide title pic

    12 Tips for Parenting Your Teenager

    by Janet Kontz, MA, LPC Does this sound familiar? We often hear from parents of teenagers that they find it difficult to connect with their kids when they reach the adolescent stage of life. Many parents feel that this is the most daunting time to be a parent. Helping your teenager…

  • Empty nest ambivalent emotions

    Empty Nest: Ambivalent Emotions

    This summer I watched a mommy bird build a nest in our back yard. Never before had I witnessed such a cycle of nature. This mommy bird was very nurturing and protective. Every day she sat on her little eggs with a watchful eye. When her babies hatched, she was…