Holidays with an Eating Disorder
The holiday season is here! Almost all holiday parties and gatherings revolve around food and drink. Although this can be fun for many, it can be frightening for those with disordered eating. Creating a sense of safety around food and meal planning is essential experiencing a joyful season with family…
How to Cool It When You Are Burning Up Mad
By Byron Loy, MA, LPC, LCPC, CRADC Anger isn’t a wrong emotion or even a bad emotion. There are even some things which should probably make us angrier than they do. However, even in those instances, there are appropriate ways to handle our anger. Jesus told us, in Mathew 5:21,…
Humor: The Priceless Secret Weapon
There is something about the early morning hours that is appealing to me. The stillness of the day, listening to the birds “wake up,” smelling the freshness of the air and watching the colors of the sky. Most of my energy is expended before noon. So imagine my dismay as…
How To Build Trust In A Relationship
By Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC, Executive Director I don’t believe that you can live for very long on this planet without realizing that the fairy tale ideal of “Happily Ever After” is just that — a fairy tale. Broken people, in a fallen world, hurt each other, sometimes in…