• Sexual Identity

    Our sexual identity is an integral part of who we are. Exploring and understanding our sexual identity is an important process. However, it can also be confusing, bringing about many question and feelings. We are often left feeling alone or scared about what others might think as we attempt to know this part of ourselves. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… have difficulty knowing how to identify yourself sexually? have desires sexually that you find surprising, confusing, or embarrassing? have experiences that seem to have shaped your feelings about sexuality? fear revealing your sexual identity to others for their reaction or lack of understanding?

  • Singleness

    Singleness is a common experience but can invite us to feel intense loneliness or that we are missing out on a crucial part of our life. Many thoughts, questions, and behaviors stem from singleness that could greatly benefit from being shared with another. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… find yourself in a different stage of life than what you would hope for? often feel lke the only one not in a romantic relationship? long for a romantic relationship but are unsure how to pursue it? feel discontent and frustrated with being single?

  • Sleep Disorders

    Sleep disorders rob us of rest for our minds, bodies, emotions, and souls. Whether we suffer from not being able to sleep enough, or the inability to stay awake, our daily lives are drastically different from how we would choose. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? feel tired after sleep? sleep excessively? experience other symptoms such as teeth grinding, night terrors, or restless leg syndrome interfering with your sleep?

  • Spirituality

    Spirituality gives us meaning, connectedness, direction, and values by which we live. Questions, doubts, and the inability to fully comprehend our own spirituality is a common experience but can be unsettling. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… have questions or fears about spirituality? experience doubts that are difficult to ignore? feel that everyone around you has “it all together” spiritually, thus find it difficult to relay your spiritual needs? hope for a better spiritual life but are not sure how to work toward it?