Physical Disabilities
Physical disabilities not only cause us to have different challenges in life, but also affect the way we interact with the world and how it interacts with us. We often feel isolated in society, significant frustration, and that others are incapable of understanding our experience. Use the questions below as…
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
After experiencing an intense threat to someone else or ourselves, we can experience Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Although, we often feel that we should not be so affected, PTSD can drastically affect our ability to cope or function in daily life. . Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Have…
Pre-marital Counseling
In relationships, we can have questions or issues that we would like to address before making further commitment such as engagement or marriage. Oftentimes, we feel strong disagreement about things that seem minor, but could benefit from pre-marital counseling and seeking out what deeper concerns are surfacing. Use the questions…
Racial/ Ethnic Identity
Our racial or ethnic identity drastically affects our experience of the world and how we interact with others. We can feel included, isolated, empowered, and oppressed in different situations. We benefit deeply from relationships with others who have similar and differing experiences from us. Use the questions below as a…