Grief / Bereavement
Grief and bereavement can cause an onslaught of confusing emotions, including anger, confusion, fear, hopelessness, denial, pain, and intense sadness. After suffering loss, we not only have powerful emotions, but physical, social, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to our experience. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Have you… lost a loved one? feel sadness? have trouble sleeping? have increased or decreased appetite? feel guilty or worthless? think more about death than you once did?
Marital Discord
Throughout the course of marriage, we experience varying degrees of intimacy and satisfaction. Oftentimes, we have difficulty recognizing our relational strengths and changing unhelpful patterns. Another perspective can offer hope for increased marital satisfaction. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… have perpetually unresolved issues with your spouse? experience difficulty being honest with your spouse? feel disconnected or alone in your marriage? wish that your marriage looked differently but are not sure how change happens?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder stems from anxiety. Thoughts and actions intrude on our lives, forcing us to focus on them in the hope that they will go away. We can be left feeling distressed, alienated, and frustrated that so much of our time is spent tending to our thoughts or actions. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… have recurrent or persistent thoughts or impulses that cause anxiety when they intrude on your day? experience these thoughts or impulses that are unrelated to worries about real-life problems? try to ignore or control the thoughts or impulses with other thoughts or actions? have repetitive behavior that you must perform with…
Panic Attacks
Panic Attacks are caused by anxiety, but they can also be the cause of anxiety when we fear experiencing the misery of a panic attack again. Often, we face panic attacks before we know we have anxiety because our body can be aware of anxiety before our emotions. Use the questions below as a self-reflective guide. Do you… feel suddenly and inexplicably sweaty? feel nausea, gastrointestinal dysfunction, or stomach pain? experience heart palpitations, your heart racing, or skipping beats? feels shortness of breath or like you are being smothered? have chest pain or tension? feel dizzy? feel an overwhelming fear that you are dying or going crazy? feel numbness?