• Humility and Positive Self-esteem in Children

    by Janet Kontz, LPC CS Lewis said “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”  We are able to think of ourselves less when we are not so concerned with how others see us; when we know ourselves from within and realize we are unique; when…

  • Jessica Stillman | Executive Assistant & Administrative Director

    Jessica Stillman Provinse | Administrative Director

    Jessica has been part of the Administrative Team at Agape Christian Counseling Services, since July 2013. Her personal mission is to help others find healing and restoration and wellness through God’s grace. Jessica spends most of her time here, coordinating Agape’s website, branding, social media, and other various projects, as needed.…

  • Forgiveness

    by Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC In discussing forgiveness, Christians often speak of it glibly as if it’s a simple and easy decision, like turning on a light switch.  Others struggle and say that they are unable to forgive.  I think it’s important, in the discussion of forgiveness, to first…

  • Sexual Addiction: A Multi-Factoral Approach

    By Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC In order to discuss sexual addiction we must first define our terms.  We can reasonably define an addiction as obsessive or intrusive thoughts or cravings, which produce a compulsion to act in a way that is unwanted, undesirable, or harmful either to the individual…