• Agape Christian Counseling Services Logo

    What’s In a Name: Who and What We Are

    I’m Darrell Provinse, Executive Director of Agape Christian Counseling Services. It seemed fitting in launching the first issue of our newsletter that I take a minute and reflect on our origin, vision, and direction. I have often said that Agape Christian Counseling Services is the result of God clearly and…

  • Growing Strong Social Skills Group Therapy for Boys Ages 12-17

    Learning & Applying Social Skills Can Help Teens Improve Their Ability To: * Listen and Identify Social Cues * Follow Rules & Cooperate * Handle Disappointments & Resolve Conflicts * Deal with Teasing and Bullying * Use Self-control & Increase Self-esteem * Take Responsibility & Make Good Choices * Use Reasoning…

  • Bott Radio Network

    Bott Radio Network

    Agape has enjoyed a very good relationship with Bott Radio Network for many years! We are thankful for Bott Radio Network – Christian Talk Radio Station in St. Louis.  Agape has worked closely with them for advertising and shared many other resources, over the years. Agape’s Executive Director has been…

  • Mercy Ministries

    Mercy Ministries

    Mercy Ministries’ free-of-charge, voluntary, faith-based residential program serves young women from all socio-economic backgrounds, ages 13-28, who face a combination of life-controlling issues such as eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and unplanned pregnancy. Mercy also serves young women who have been physically and sexually abused, including victims…