Agape Receives Autism Speaks Grant
Agape Christian Counseling Services is pleased to announce that Autism Speaks has chosen us as a 2014 grant recipient! The grant will be used to fund social skills groups for children who are home educated. Both children on the autism spectrum and typically developing children will qualify for services under this grant. For more information about these groups, please call Carolyn Knarr, Director of Child Therapeutic Services, click here. For more information about the Autism Speaks organization, go to www.autismspeaks.org
Swimming with Whale Sharks: Intern Counselor Faces His Fear
Agape intern counselor Geries Shaheen took a step towards facing his fear this past summer by swimming with whale sharks! Read on to hear his story… “I grew up swimming in the Mediterranean Sea as a child. Many times I would walk up and down the shore on my own after school. I didn’t fear the ocean. One day while my grandparents and I were swimming, the pull of the sea yanked me very far. I had already been swimming at a distance from my grandparents. I couldn’t see them anymore and was alone. My grandfather couldn’t find me for a while. When he did he was very tired and…
Claustrophobia: Face Your Fears Challenge
Meet Mary Singleton, a counselor at Agape Christian Counseling Services. Mary decided to challenge herself this month to face her fear of being enclosed in tight spaces, or claustrophobia. She made this video to document as she took a step towards overcoming that fear. Below is Mary’s account of the origin of her phobia and what she went through in order to make this video. Her numbered ratings are her level of fear or anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most afraid and 1 being the least afraid. From Mary: My fear of being in the far back seat of a van is…
Therapist vs. Clowns Videos
Agape Christian Counseling Service’s therapist, Brian Meisenheimer, steps outside his comfort zone to face his own personal fear of clowns. After suffering from a very real phobia of clowns and masks for many years, Brian learned coping skills through several therapy sessions with another of Agape’s therapists. Be sure to watch the Behind the Scenes video as well to learn how Brian overcame his coulrophobia (fear of clowns). Special thanks to Agape’s dear new friends, professional clowns: Ruth Baker “Sparkle”, Rita Stull “Charity”, & Syd Vogt “Fussie Gussie”! No clowns were harmed in the making of this video. If you have any clowning needs in your future, please see the…