Gospel Driven Parenting
By Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services In writing about parenting, I often like to begin with the Gospel. Within its words, we find a beautiful love story about a Father who adores His children, just as they are. He shows mercy in place of rules, guidance…
Broken / Damaged Relationships Workshop
Broken and Damaged Relationships… are an unfortunate part of our fallen world. At one time or another, we have all experienced damage in our relationships with our significant others, spouses, parents, siblings, friends, or children. At times, we have betrayed the trust of someone we love or have had our…
The “Height” of Perfection-ism… Is Fear
By Jessica Stillman When I volunteered to face my fear of heights for the #FaceYourFearsChallenge, I didn’t think very much about it. I was just thinking that we needed content to post on our website and our Facebook wall, that we would have some fun making a video, and that…
Funny, Funny, Funny, What Money Can Do
There is an old Dean Martin song describing the love-hate relationship people have with money. While it’s “Funny What Money Can Do,” it’s certainly not humorous when it comes to the effect it can have on marriage. We have addressed in previous articles how couples and families go through periods…