• Care for Caregivers Agape Counseling St Louis

    Care for Caregivers

    By Cathy Downen, MA, MA, PLPC Karen doesn’t know exactly when she got so tired. When she invited her elderly mother into her home to live with her family, she was optimistic about dealing with the challenges of her mother’s Alzheimer’s symptoms while working from home and keeping up with…

  • cognitive behavioral approach to stereotyping

    The Power of the Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Stereotyping

    by Mary Singleton, MEd, PLPC I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been thinking about recent racial conflicts involving police officers and citizens.  We have all seen how an event, such as a police officer shooting someone, can inspire dramatically different reactions in people — reactions which often…

  • Getting A True Reflection Challenging Unhealthy Thoughts

    Getting A True Reflection: Challenging Unhealthy Thoughts

    Have you ever gone to the carnival and seen a fun-house mirror? Instead of revealing an accurate, true mirror image through the use of a  standard mirror, a fun-house mirror bends certain sections just enough to distort the image. Do you remember standing in front of the mirror, perhaps laughing…

  • Get to the root of child anxiety

    Get to the Root of Your Child’s Anxiety

    By Elizabeth Nimmo, MA, LPC It is a common occurrence for most children to experience some level of fear or anxiety at one point or another during their childhood. Often, we characterize these as typical age-and-stage appropriate fears, such as a belief that monsters are under the bed or the…