• Technology and Your Kids Appropriate Boundaries

    Technology & Your Kids: How to Set Appropriate Boundaries

    by Carolyn Knarr, MSW, LCSW, Director of Children’s Therapeutic Services Technology is a reality which is not going to go away. It’s imperative to teach children to make good decisions about technology, limit the frequency of its usage, and keep access to appropriate and safe content. If parents see technology…

  • CH CH CH Changes

    Ch Ch Ch Changes

    by Darrell Provinse, MA, LPC, NCC, Director and CEO Change is inevitable. Life demands change. To not change is to be static, to be static is to be stagnant, and to stagnate is death. Life, by definition, is dynamic and requires that we adapt and grow. To adapt, is to…

  • Bridge to Wholeness | Volume 2 Issue 5 May 2015

    Welcome to the May 2015 Issue of the Agape newsletter, Bridge to Wholeness! Our monthly newsletter is the best way for you to keep up with what is going on around Agape, with events and updates, and articles written by our counselors. We hope it will help bring you a…