Who Am I, Really?
By Ryan Sosman, MA, LPC You may have found yourself asking the question, “What is my purpose on Earth?” Although this is a very common question that everyone has asked themselves at some point in their life, it’s one that cannot be answered before we first learn who we are.…
Renew Your Mind: It’s All About Perception
By Donna R. King, MA, LPC We are all wired differently in terms of how we perceive things. However, it is true for all of us that the way we think about things, or our perception of things, has a direct correlation to how we feel about things, whether positively…
Bridge to Wholeness | Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2015
Welcome to the June 2015 Issue of the Agape newsletter, Bridge to Wholeness! Our monthly newsletter is the best way for you to keep up with what is going on around Agape, with events and updates, and articles written by our counselors. We hope it will help bring you a…
When A Loved One’s Desperation Turns To Thoughts of Suicide
by Kristy Cobillas, MEd, PLPC Recent statistics reflect the sad truth of the desperation many swim in today; on a daily basis, 105 suicides are completed in the United States and for every completion, approximately 25 attempts are made. Thanatos is a word taken from a figure in Greek mythology,…