• 15 MORE Books Recommended By Counselors

    15 MORE Books Recommended by Agape Counselors

    As promised last month, here is another list of books that our counselors recommend. There are many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly. Below are 15 of the books that are on the list. Click on the pictures to view these books on Amazon.com Book Store.  …

  • Living Life Abundantly During Christmas & Holidays

    Living Life Abundantly During the Holidays

    We all know that Christmas should be a time of joy, but the reality for many is very different. The holidays can be a challenging season of managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Sometimes, family stresses can be greatly exaggerated and even become intolerable over the holiday period when everyone is…

  • 15 Books Recommended By Counselors

    15 Books Recommended by Agape Counselors

    In lieu of our typical Featured Article this month, we polled our counselors and comprised a list of books that our counselors recommend. Of course there are many many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly and we could never cover them all in one post, so…

  • Do Your Relationships Measure Up as Healthy or Toxic?

    Do Your Relationships Measure Up As Healthy or Toxic?

    By JuJuane Easter-Hutchins, MA, LPC Have you ever found yourself wondering if a friend, familial, romantic and/or business relationship is one that is healthy for you?  Are you involved in a relationship that leaves you feeling drained and overwhelmed?  Is your relationship toxic? And if so, how would you know?…