Jennifer Miller Agape Christian Counseling Services St Louis
All Therapists,  ADD / ADHD Counselors,  Addiction Counselors,  Adoption Issues Counselors,  Anger Management Counselors,  Anxiety Disorder Counselors,  Attachment Issues Counselors,  Autism Spectrum Counselors,  Career Counselors,  Child Therapists,  Childhood Abuse Counselors,  Crisis Counselors,  Depression Counselors,  Disorders of Infancy and Childhood,  Divorce Care Counselors,  Divorce Mediation Counselors,  Domestic Violence Counselors,  Family Issues Counselors,  Fertility Issues Counselors,  Financial Issues Counselors,  Flushing Meadows Counselors,  Grief Counselors,  Marriage / Couples Counseling,  Online Counselors,  Parenting Counselors,  Personality Disorder Counselors,  Phobia Counselors,  Physical Disabilities Counselors,  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Counselors,  Pre-Marital Counselors,  Racial / Ethnic Identity Counselors,  Sexual Abuse Counselors,  Sexual Identity Counselors,  Singleness Counselors,  Spirituality Counselors,  Stress Management Counselors,  Trauma and Abuse Counselors

Jennifer Miller, MA, LPC

Independent Contractor

Jennifer Miller is a Licensed Professional Counselor, licensed in the state of Missouri. She earned her master’s degree in Counseling from Webster University. Jennifer works with children, teens, individuals and couples, and particularly enjoys facilitating group counseling with children and teens, on subjects such as social skills. She also specializes in marriage counseling. Her primary psychotherapy modalities are Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness.

Jennifer works extensively with the following subjects:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
  • Anger issues
  • Trauma / Abuse
  • Marriage / Couples
  • Child Therapy – including blended families, behavioral issues, and attachment issues
Jennifer sees clients at the following locations: