Renew Your Mind: It’s All About Perception
By Donna R. King, MA, LPC
We are all wired differently in terms of how we perceive things. However, it is true for all of us that the way we think about things, or our perception of things, has a direct correlation to how we feel about things, whether positively or negatively. The Bible even emphasizes that our thoughts have a direct impact on who we are! For as we think in our hearts, so shall we be (Proverbs 23:7). Consequently, if we go through life always thinking negatively and anticipating that things will never be good, chances are good that they won’t be.
It is also true that no matter how positively we may think about things, we are all still prone to encounter difficulties and problems in life. Still, the key lies with our perception of things. Many tragic things can happen, such as the loss of a loved one, an unfulfilled dream, or even sustaining a broken heart, but based on our relationship with God, we can still know that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). Nevertheless, we can still wonder how all things can work together for good when life seems to knock the wind out of us. Sometimes it even seems as though things happen in life by chance. Even when lots are cast, the decision, in terms of how things turn out, is really ordered by the Lord. In other words, those things which seem to be accidents in life are really ordered by Him (Proverbs 16:33 amplified).
So, when I look at all of the things that have not seemed to go right in life, I am readily able to recognize that I am still standing because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). My entire life has been ordered by God with a higher purpose that goes far beyond the things that I have not been able to understand. Even as I am writing these words, I feel a sense of peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). This is because I have learned to constantly renew my mind according to God’s perspective.
In counseling, we refer to the process of renewing the mind as a “reframe”. We know the importance of helping to change one’s perspective in order to gain a better outlook, have better feelings, and ultimately experience better outcomes in life. We also have to be real by indicating that sometimes life is really hard! But as a Christian therapist, I also know that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). This means that no matter the severity of the problem or issue, there is always potential for us to rise above and overcome the hurdle!
Difficulties in life are really opportunities to:
- See potential fulfilled that we didn’t recognize was there.
- Know how much we really need God.
- Have the opportunity to experience how He is able to help us.
- Overcome and be able to help others in similar situations.
- Experience a better life.
Changing your perspective can change everything!
About the Author
Donna King, LPC at Agape Christian Counseling, firmly believes that a changed perspective has a positive impact on how individuals deal with issues. She also puts emphasis on having positive cognition and thought processes, and focuses on encouragement and refreshing the mind, will, and emotions. Donna is also an Adjunct Professor at Lindenwood University in the Department of Professional and School Counseling. Click on the picture to the left to read her full bio.