15 Books Recommended By Counselors

15 Books Recommended by Agape Counselors

In lieu of our typical Featured Article this month, we polled our counselors and comprised a list of books that our counselors recommend. Of course there are many many books out there that our counselors recommend to clients regularly and we could never cover them all in one post, so there will be more to follow next month. Below are the first 15 books on the list. To find them on Amazon, click on the pictures.


Where is god when it hurts bookWhere Is God When It Hurts?

by Phillip Yancey

This is a wonderful book that helps people who are wrestling with how to handle a relationship with a sovereign and loving God in the midst of their suffering. It gives a very honest description of the problem, explores the place of pain in our lives, and explores responses to that pain that can either draw us closer to or away from God.


Worry - Book by Edward HollowellWorry

by Edward M. Hallowell, MD

Dr. Hallowell talks about good worry (something you can take action to fix) and bad worry (something you have no control over, so change your thinking). The book is full of ideas and encouragement to manage worry. This book is recommended to clients dealing with anxiety.


How to get a date worth keeping - book by henry cloudHow to Get a Date Worth Keeping

by Henry Cloud

This book does a fantastic job of identifying and helping the reader to process by internal and external dynamics throughout the process of singleness and dating.



when food is love - book by geneen rothWhen Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy

by Geneen Roth

Focuses on how emotional eating can be related to: attachment issues; attempts to gain control of oneself and one’s life; and craving pleasure and things that one may believe are forbidden.


the temperament god gave you - book by art bennettThe Temperament God Gave You

by Art Bennett

Also in this series: The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse & The Temperament God Gave Your Kids

This series is for people interested in learning more about the temperament of those they love so that they can understand and better relate to them.


Parenting from the inside out - bookParenting from the Inside Out

by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell

This book is about attachment issues and how they relate to the ways in which adults parent their own children. This book can be a great resource for any parent who wants to better understand how the ways in which they were parented has shaped who they are today. The book can also serve as a guide for parenting children in ways that promote compassion and resiliency.


the dance of anger - bookThe Dance of Anger

by Harriet Lerner

The primary target of this book is women. It is a helpful tool in recognizing anger and recognizing unhealthy patterns in intimate relationships that can cause anger or are created by unhealthy ways of expressing anger. It then helps women learn how to listen to their anger and express it constructively, creating healthier patterns of relating.


why she feels fat - bookWhy She Feels Fat: Understanding Your Loved One’s Eating Disorder and How You Can Help

by McShane and Paulson

Provides a helpful understanding of how eating disorder may develop and function for those who are seeking to walk alongside individuals struggling with eating disorders.


perfecting ourselves to death - bookPerfecting Ourselves to Death: The Pursuit of Excellence and the Perils of Perfectionism

by Robert Winter

Explores the underlying causes of perfectionism and the damage it can cause. Recommended for any clients dealing with anxiety and depression, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive behavior, fear of failure, and more.


seven principles for making marriage work - bookThe Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

by John Gottman

Great for help with strengthening marriages, working on communication skills, understanding your spouse, and repairing broken relationships. Includes exercises for improving your marriage relationship.



codependent no more - bookCodependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself

by Melody Beattie

Useful for understanding codependency in relationships , how to let go of the need for control, setting healthy boundaries within relationships, and more.


How to conquer giants - bookHow to Conquer Giants

by Duke Duvall

This book helps readers battle their daily problems in a story form told by David (King) about his father.  Recommended for anyone battling a life that seems to be falling apart.




Brainstorm- The Power & Purpose of the Teenage Brain - bookBrainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain

by Daniel Siegel

Recommended for parents of teenagers. Discusses the developmental processes of the brain during adolescence and debunks the myths and stereotypes of teenagers.



healing wounds of sexual addiction - bookHealing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction

By Mark Laaser

Helps with understanding addiction, addresses the cultural impact on sexual addiction,  guides toward healing and spiritual growth. For men or women.



grace based parenting - bookGrace Based Parenting

by Tim Kimmel

A refreshing reminder of the power of God’s grace to transform and heal relationships. A quote from the book: “Rules not tempered by grace block relationships with our children and lead to rebellion.”




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